Jasper Healing
Fertility and Pregnancy-Related Hypnosis Recordings
TTC (Trying to Conceive)
TTC – This hypnosis recording is for anyone who is Trying to Conceive (TTC) whether you are just starting your journey with conception, or you have been invested in conception for a while now. The idea of this recording is to guide you through a process of relaxation and re-connection of the mind and body. We live our lives with so many distractions, influences and comparison now that it can be so easy to disconnect and feel betrayed by our bodies during the process of conception. We can also get in a battle with our mind, trying so hard to “relax’ because we are told that will help but having so much desire for something without anywhere to channel that energy. This recording gives you tools and visuals to be able to re-establish that connection and channel all of that loving energy back into yourself. I hope you find it helpful and I am open to any feedback and/or questions you may have.
This recording is the first of many to come, I am working on a whole program for those going through the process of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The IVF specific program will include recordings for preparing for and after the egg retrieval and preparing for and after the embryo transfer. I am also working on other individual recordings for during pregnancy and if there is loss. I do not have an exact time frame yet; I will slowly release the recordings as I create and record them, but I am hoping the whole program will be available by the end of 2023 at the latest.