
The 6 Week Shift Program

This program is a self guided program for personal development to help you feel more intentional, aligned and settled in the life you are already living. Following this program for 6 weeks will provide you the foundations for incorporating meditation and journaling into your routine. The content and materials of the program is gathered from my own personal journey in becoming more settled in the life I am already living as well as some of the most commonly explored topics in sessions with clients.

The program consists of a weekly email for 6 weeks that has a topic with an educational story blurb to start opening the mind and shifting perspective. A hypnosis recording related to the theme that allows the mind and body to experience the material and a journal prompt/reflection question to help weave the material into your active memory by applying it to your own life.

The schedule of themes are as follows

  • Week 1 – Connection to Self
  • Week 2 – Connection to the Body
  • Week 3 – Connection to Others
  • Week 4 – The Worry Trance (anxiety, worry & stress)
  • Week 5 – Releasing the Heaviness (depression, lethargy)
  • Week 6 – Putting it all together, Creating a Ritual

The goal of this program is to make a shift from where you currently are. These shifts are an ongoing journey of becoming wiser to your own life. Wiser to how you can shift towards experiencing more of what life has to offer instead of surviving it.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask by emailing me

Vanessa Hoag MSW RSW C.Hyp (Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist)




Pregnancy & Fertility Related Hypnosis Recordings Package

This bundle includes 7 hypnosis recordings related to different stages of pregnancy and fertility. All of these recordings were specifically created from my own experience with pregnancy and fertility as well as the experience of family, friends and clients.  Pregnancy and fertility can feel like a lonely journey, even though many have travelled the path before us.   These recordings help you to create a safe haven in your mind by resourcing the mind body connection and creating support within.

The recordings included are

  • TTC – Trying to Conceive for anywhere along your TTC journey
  • If there is loss – Miscarriage
  • During Pregnancy – For any stage of pregnancy
  • Preparing for Labour & Delivery – Vaginal/C-Section/Medicated or Unmedicated
  • IVF – Preparing for the Egg Retrieval
  • IVF – Preparing for the Embryo Transfer (Could be used for IUI as well)
  • IVF – After the Embryo Transfer (Could be used for IUI as well)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask by emailing me

Vanessa Hoag MSW RSW C.Hyp (Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist)




Jasper Healing


Lindsay, Ontario